Mega Man Games
Mega Man 4
Mega Man 4 is one of the toughest Mega Man games to beat. The robot masters are hard enough even with the right weapon but the real challenge is Dr. Cossack's Castle. Prepare for a fight for your life getting through it!
Played 129528 times
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Mega Man 3 GB
Battle with Snake, Spark, Shadow, and Gemini man and then face 4 robots from Megaman 4 before a thrilling boss fight
Rockman 2019 New Years Hack
A fun rom hack of Mega Man 5 featuring a few surprises and the usual line up of robot masters to dispatch
Mega Man Mushroom Kingdom
A Mega Man 1 hack featuring levels and sprites from Super Mario while still maintaining that awesome Mega Man feel
Mega Man 5 GB
Defeat the Stardroids - each named after a planet before battling Enker, Quint, and more in the final stages
Rockman 6 Unique Harrassment
One of the better hacks out there. Has new levels, robot masters, and robot master attack patterns.
Mega Man GG
Combines elements from both Mega Man 4 and Mega Man 5. Face off against Stone, Bright, Star, Napalm Man and more.
Rockman 2 Deus Ex Machina
A complete redesign of Megaman 2. Improved AI in boss fights and new stages. For veterans only not newbs!
Mega Man 64
In a bleak world on the verge of collapse, Mega Man must seek out the legendary Mother Lode
Megaman and Bass
Choose between Megaman or Bass in this SNES classic and see if you can stop the King from dominating the whole world
Megaman Dr Wilys Revenge
Face off against 4 robot masters from both Megaman 1 and then Megaman 2 at Wilys Fortress. You also meet Enker!
Mega Man Battle Network 2
Lan Hikari and MegaMan.EXE must team up to stop the NetMafia Gospel in this thrilling sequel
Mega Man Reloaded
Mega Man 1 but completely redone with different stages, graphics, and challenges to overcome
View all our Mega Man Games
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